
8 Surprising Things That Hurt Your Heart

  Know the Heart Facts: A bad diet and too little exercise can have a negative impact on your heart health, but there are other sneaky sources of heart disease that you may not be aware of. Here are some you need to know about, and heart-smart steps to help you keep healthy. Dental Problem: Did you know that taking care of your teeth isn't just important for a great smile and fresh breath? It turns out that people with gum disease are more likely to have heart disease as well. Although the connection isn't completely clear, experts believe that bacteria from your gums can enter your bloodstream and cause inflammation of the blood vessels. This can lead to other heart problems. So be sure to see your dentist every 6 months for a checkup, and if you notice any redness, soreness, or changes in your teeth, make an appointment right away. Shift Work: Working at night or during irregular hours can have a negative impact on your health, specifically your risk of having a hea

Can Insomnia cause heart attack in a Teen?

  Sleep is food for the brain in the sense that it's vital to its functioning. However, 50% of us suffer from insomnia and other sleeping disorders. A well-deserved rest can rejuvenate one's mind and body after long hours of work or school. Not getting enough sleep puts people at risk for serious medical conditions like high blood pressure, bone and joint disorders, back pain, and heart disease . In fact, adults who do not get the 7-8 hours of sleep recommended per night on a regular basis may even shorten their life expectancy by two to three years. Causes of Insomnia: With access to the internet and sleeplessness, anyone can get affected. Many teenagers are caught between long school days and late nights on computers playing video games, as well as projects. They ignore sleep. Women tend to experience insomnia more often than men because of differences in genetics, stress, and reaction to stress. The most common health condition which can cause poor sleep is sleep apn


How Does Heart Work?

  How Does Heart Function? The heart is one of the most vital organs in the entire body. Its primary function is to pump blood which happens to be a key factor for carrying oxygen and nutrients through our bodies. The blood from the liver gets pumped by the right side of our heart which sends it out into the lungs and then comes back, this time with oxygen and nutrients, and feeds them throughout your whole body as it continues its trek on travels through the left side of your heart where it picks up more nutrients before continuing its way to other parts of your body. Heart Attack: A heart attack occurs when the blood flow to the heart stops for a short duration of time, usually because some kind of obstruction has occurred. As the blood is prevented from reaching the vital parts that it needs to nourish, these parts begin to die out and eventually do so. Our  BestCardiothoracic Surgeon in Bangalore  has all of the facilities and technologies you need for an excellent recovery t

Open-Heart Surgery - Why is it used?

  What is open-heart surgery? Open heart surgery is a common and simple yet highly complex surgical procedure that takes place on the heart and it has little to no chance of death involved. In this article, you will be able to read about all things related to heart surgery written in a very simple manner so that anyone can understand it. Why is open-heart surgery needed? We perform open-heart surgery to fix a heart problem. The main reason that people get their hearts fixed is that they have hardened arteries and veins, blockages in the arteries, etc. Having blocked arteries is the most common heart problem: and it happens when fat builds up on the walls of coronary arteries. We perform open-heart surgery to correct heart valves, damaged parts, or implant objects in the heart. Heart replacement surgeries are also done with the help of open-heart surgery. Sometimes open heart surgery is performed on patients who had an unsuccessful angioplasty. Also Read:   What is the Differenc

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